Training Tales: Dennis Week 1

Posted: May 18, 2011 in Training
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Dennis the zombie slayer has been having a successful week of training and is well on his way to outrunning any wayward zombies. After our initial meeting, I decided on a running plan for him that he can do at the track located right up the street from his house. The track offers a cushioned surface that will be easier on his knee than cement or black top, and Dennis likes being able to walk there and back. He is also stretching before and after working out to help increase his flexibility and prevent injuries or pain, especially in his knee.

Dennis has been following his plan with dedication plus doing extra every day to meet his goal of burning 400 calories each workout. Here is his basic training plan:

  • Walk two laps to warm up
  • Run one lap at 9-minute to 10-minute mile pace
  • Walk two laps
  • Run one lap at 9-minute to 10-minute mile pace
  • Walk two laps
  • Run one lap at 9-minute to 10-minute mile pace
  • Walk two laps
  • Run one lap at 9-minute to 10-minute mile pace
  • Walk two laps
Total distance: 3.5 miles
I told Dennis to aim for 10-minute mile pace and he has been staying on track with running speeds ranging from 9-minute mile pace to 10-minute mile pace. Today his average running pace was 9:20-minute miles and he increased his running speed by the end of the workout, a good sign that he has energy left. He added some extra walking at the end of today’s workout as well as a stride — or burst of speed for a short distance — for the last 200 meters. He then walked home to stretch, satisfied with burning more than 400 calories during the one hour and 6-minute workout.
Dennis has been continuing to use his Cardio Trainer app on his Android phone to calculate his calories burned, distance and time. He also got new running shoes — Asics Numbus 12 — from the mall, which were bothering him in the heels by the end of the workout, and gave him blisters. The shoes are for neutral to high-arched feet so the store advised him to get the wrong shoes because Dennis has low arches and needs more arch support and motion control features. I advised returning them or exchanging them for a better fit.

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